Micro Spy GSM

Should we choose a specific mobile operator?

The choice of the mobile operator depends on the type of micro spy you have. If you have a GSM microspion, you must choose a mobile operator that offers coverage in the area where you want to use the microspion. Some GSM micro-espions can work with several operators, while others are locked to a specific operator. It is important to read the product specifications to know which operator is compatible with the micro-espion before buying it. If you have a wireless micro spy, you may not need to choose a specific mobile operator. In any case, it is important to comply with local privacy and surveillance laws when using a micro-espion.

I fall on my GSM spy mailbox, what should I do?

If you fall on the voice box of your GSM micro spy, you should check the instructions provided with the device to find out how to access your recordings. If you have lost the instructions, you can also consult the manufacturer's website for help. It is also possible that you need to contact the manufacturer for technical assistance. Make sure you comply with local laws regarding the use of surveillance devices.